The Structures Of Our Living

The Structures Of Our Living

“Architecture speaks to our physical form, our minds and emotions, as does the spaces we live in and the objects we collect.”

Our lives are informed by our surroundings: architecture, spaces and the objects within them. These are the clues to who we are as they are the inspirations that move us forward. Architecture speaks to our physical form, our minds and emotions, as does the spaces we live in and the objects we collect. These are all tethered by the act of inspiration, by our need to express who we are and our hopes for the future. 

The history of architecture is a winding one, from castles of stone, the simplcitiy of Mid-Century Modern, the ornate facades of the Memphis style, to our current era of green rooftops and balconies. But despite this history of change in styles one thing remains the same, our need for shelter, to commune and ease the path of living. This is what architecture does, what our need for nesting gives us, a sense of place, belonging, security and solace.

We as a collective are innately drawn to the intimacy of space, the physicality of objects and the romance and mystery of the hand created. We are from and inspired by history, the antiquities of time, both stories and goods. We cannot help ourselves, we covet the romantic, the meaningful and personal: all that beauty entails, though beauty is in the eye of the seer. 

We see who we are by the markings we make, by the buildings erected, the objects created and the wood floors worn by passings in time. These not only give evidence to our existence, but shore up our living, inspiring as we sit to eat, mix our food and shut our doors to slow down our living. This is why we create, why we seek out and ensconce ourselves within beauty, to remind ourselves of who we are, to reassure and romance our living. 

Nature Inside And Out

Nature Inside And Out

Beauty, Nature And Human Kind

Beauty, Nature And Human Kind